
Tsukada Laboratory, Faculty of Education, Shimane University, JPN


Tsukada Lab. @ Shimane Univ.

研究テーマResearch Topics

Exploring Dynamics-Properties Reationship of Materials

 We conduct research that links microscopic crystal structures and properties through ion vibrations (phonons). The term "dynamics-properties relationship of Materials" resonates well with us, as it captures our phonon-centered dynamic approach, which traditional "structural properties" cannot fully encompass.

Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Education, Shimane University

 Our laboratory has traditionally focused on the research of ferroelectrics and plays an international role, including hosting international conferences.

 2024年7月 The 16th Japan-China Symposium on Ferrolectric Materials and their Applications
 2016年6月 Joint Symposium of International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics and RCBJSF

Here’s a brief introduction to our research:

Brillouin Spectroscopy & Raman Spectroscopy

Ion Vibration Mechanisms
 Revealed by Light Scattering Measurements

 By analyzing the scattered light when laser light is applied to a material, detailed information about ion vibrations and molecular movements can be obtained. Spectroscopy is the method used to systematically elucidate the structure and properties of materials based on this information.

   Brillouin scattering utilizes light scattering derived from acoustic vibrations (low-frequency lattice vibrations), while Raman scattering utilizes light scattering derived from optical vibrations (high-frequency lattice vibrations).  

 Our laboratory possesses the technology to precisely measure the aforementioned light scattering phenomena under various conditions. For example, the figure on the left shows the results of angle-resolved polarized Raman scattering measurements, where the polarization plane of the incident light is rotated while acquiring the scattered light. This technique allows us to reveal detailed information about the symmetry and vibration modes within the material.

Dynamics-Properties Reationship of Ferroelectrics


Synthesis of Ferroelectrics Using Various Equipment

 In our laboratory, we utilize a variety of equipment to produce high-quality samples. The photo on the right shows a BaTiO3 single crystal with KF added, grown using the flux method.

We are also equipped with a FZ furnace, and spark plasma sintering equipment. These facilities enable us to synthesize a wide range of samples tailored to our research needs.

Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics and Their Mechanisms

 We discovered an unprecedented large annealing effect in BaTiO3 single crystals with KF added. Annealing treatment significantly increased the phase transition temperature from room temperature to 120°C. This finding suggests new application possibilities. Additionally, various discoveries have been made, such as the apparent giant dielectric response in KTaO3 samples.  

 We microscopically understand these phenomena through Brillouin scattering and Raman scattering.


Physics Education

We are enjoying improving and laying the foundation for educational materials. Recently, we have been conducting science workshops related to light and sound in collaboration with various organizations such as Shimane Prefecture, Shimane University, and the Japan Society of Applied Physics.

These workshops include:
-(Left photo) Projects and classes that visualize sound and allow students to feel vibrations
-(Center photo) Workshops that create TV stones using optical fibers, connecting them to the study of rocks
-(Right photo) Light projects using polarizing plates

Links for (Japanese) Websites of supporters


応用物理学会 リフレッシュ理科教室(本部のページ)






1060 Nishikawatsu-cho,
Matsue 690-8504,
Shimane, Japan

Shimane University
〇 Faculty of Education Building  -Room 330 (Tsukada's Office)  -Room 301 (Laboratory)
〇 Optical Properties Building

Hosted Conferences
JCFMA (2024)